Package godocgen

import ""

Package godocgen is to generate Go module package's documentations.

Its primary intension was to restore the ability to host the documents via a web server for Go Modules packages using other third-party hosting solutions. With Godocgen, one can generate the web materials (e.g. Markdown or HTML) and freely use his/her own hosting solution to publish the module's documentations. Long story short, Godocgen facilitates freedom to developer while not compromising one of Go's beauty of auto-documentation feature.


Godocgen should be used with Go 1.14.1 and above and it's not backwards compatible (Reason: Example rendering API only available starting from Go 1.14.1).


App constants are meant for configuring godocgen to work in a specific manner

const (
	// VERSION is the version number godocgen is current are.
	VERSION = "0.0.1"

	// DefaultFilename is the default filename in the event
	// where filename is left out when it is needed.
	DefaultFilename = "index.txt"

Supported file extension formats

const (
	// Markdown file extension
	Markdown = ".md"

	// Terminal
	Terminal = "terminal"

	// Text file extension
	Text = ".txt"

Working modes

const (
	// AppMode is to set the app to operate as normal app mode.
	// It allows one not only to generate the package
	// documentation data but also rendering the output.
	AppMode = uint(0)

	// MockMode is the set the app to operate as a mocking
	// medium. This is useful for developers to unit-test his/her
	// own packages without needing to write too many mock codes
	// when using godocgen as `LibraryMode`. MockMode will make
	// `App` exits immediately after initialized, allowing
	// developer to mock the elements inside it.
	MockMode = uint(1)

	// LibraryMode is the set the app to operate as a Go package
	// library. This allows developer to import godocgen to
	// generate the packages' documentations data without needing
	// to render them out. That being said, LibraryMode will not
	// run rendering at all.
	LibraryMode = uint(2)

Error constants are the values used for error identifications via application programming.

const (
	// ErrorTag is the error message tag for printing out error
	// messages.
	ErrorTag = "ERROR"

	// WarningTag is the warning message tag for printing out
	// less critical error messages.
	WarningTag = "WARNING"

	// ErrorCodeNone is the error code that has no errors.
	ErrorCodeNone = 0

	// ErrorCodeCommon is the error code for common errors.
	ErrorCodeCommon = 1

Error messages are the string values used for error object text output.

const (
	// ErrorBadInputPath is the error message for a completely
	// bad and unusable input path.
	ErrorBadInputPath = "bad input path"

	// ErrorBadOutputPath is the error message for a completely
	// bad and unusable output path.
	ErrorBadOutputPath = "bad output path"

	// ErrorBadTemplatePath is the error message for a
	// completely bad and unusable template path.
	ErrorBadTemplatePath = "bad template path"

	// ErrorConfigureDocData is the error message for unable to
	// configure package's raw DocData
	ErrorConfigureDocData = "unable to configure raw DocData"

	// ErrorMissingInputPath is the error message for completely
	// missing input path.
	ErrorMissingInputPath = "missing input path"

	// ErrorMissingOutputPath is the error message for
	// completely missing output path.
	ErrorMissingOutputPath = "missing output path"

	// ErrorMissingTemplatePath is the error message for
	// completely missing template path.
	ErrorMissingTemplatePath = "missing template path"

	// ErrorInputPathNotDirectory is the error message for the
	// given input path is not a directory.
	ErrorInputPathNotDirectory = "given input path is not a directory"

	// ErrorInputPathWithoutGo is the error message for the
	// given input path does not contain any directory.
	ErrorInputPathWithoutGo = "given input path has no go packages"

	// ErrorOutputPathIsAFile is the error message for the given
	// output path is a file and is not ready for output usage.
	ErrorOutputPathIsAFile = "output path is a file"

	// ErrorOutputPermission is the error message for unable to
	// read/write into output.
	ErrorOutputPermission = "unable to read/write to output"

	// ErrorTemplatePathIsADir is the error message for the
	// given output path is a directory and is not a file for
	// template rendering.
	ErrorTemplatePathIsADir = "template path is a directory"

	// ErrorInTemplate is the error message for a given template
	// having its internal errors.
	ErrorInTemplate = "template is having error"

	// ErrorUnknownOutputFormat is the error message for
	// unidentifiable filetype based on the given filename.
	ErrorUnknownOutputFormat = "unknown filetype from the given filename"

	// ErrorUnknownWorkMode is the error message for
	// unidentifiable work mode.
	ErrorUnknownWorkMode = "unknown work mode"


type App struct {
	// user input
	InputPath    string
	OutputPath   string
	Filename     string
	TemplatePath string
	WorkMode     uint
	Width        uint

	// generated output
	Targets  []*Data
	Log      []string
	ExitCode int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

App is the master control for godocgen go package.

It has private variables that require initialization. Therefore, to create one safely, please use NewApp() function.

Before calling its App.Run() function, you need to ensure the following elements are fulfilled.

COMPULSORY elements:

  1. OutputPath - location for storing the generated output (directory).
  2. InputPath - location for reading the go packages (directory). Append ... in the end for recursive generations.
  3. WorkMode - how App should works such as: as a test mocking unit, package library, or as app mode.

OPTIONAL elements:

  1. TemplatePath - location to the template file for output rendering.
  2. Filename - output filename with extension. If this is set, TemplatePath must be specified.
  3. Width - to specify the maximum width of the document. Default is 80 for terminal and 70 for files.

For OUTPUT, depending on App.WorkMode, they are different. For example,

  1. in godocgen.MockMode, nothing is executed. App exited immediately.
  2. in godocgen.LibraryMode, the output, system log, and exit code are stored inside App.Targets, App.Log, and App.Exit respectively. Rendering process is not executed in this mode, allowing one to use App.Targets Data list for his/her own Go rendering.
  3. in godocgen.AppMode, it will run the full-fletch executions including rendering.

Func NewApp() *App

NewApp is the function for creating the godocgen App structure object.

It returns the memory pointer of the created App object. Since App structure contains uninitialized private elements, it is best to use this function to create App object.

Func (c *App) Run()

Run is the function for starting the godocgen process.

It executes the processing accordingly based on its WorkingMode. For AppMode, the rendering is inclusive and will be rendered automatically.


type Data struct {
	Header       string
	ImportPath   string
	Synopsis     string
	RelativePath string
	Filepath     string
	Codes        []string
	Examples     *DataElement
	Constants    *DataElement
	Variables    *DataElement
	Functions    *DataElement
	Methods      *DataElement
	Types        []*Data

Data is the data structure holding Package or Type level.

This structure contains elements that needs initialization. Hence, to be on the safe side, you should use NewData() function if you ever need to create one.

For Package subject, the elements’ representations are as follow:

  1. Header - name of the package
  2. ImportPath - the import path statement
  3. Synopsis - the descriptions of the package
  4. RelativePath - the relative path of the package to its root directory
  5. Filepath - the output filepath (for file rendering)
  6. Codes - not applicable: either nil or empty
  7. Examples - the element holding the List of examples
  8. Constants - the element holding the List of constants
  9. Variables - the element holding the List of variables
  10. Functions - the element holding the List of functions
  11. Methods - not applicable: either nil or empty
  12. Types - array of Data holding Type details

For Type subject, the elements’ representations are as follow:

  1. Header - name of the Type
  2. ImportPath - not applicable: it is always empty
  3. Synopsis - the descriptions of the Type
  4. RelativePath - not applicable: it is always empty
  5. Filepath - not applicable: it is always empty
  6. Codes - Codes in multiple line
  7. Examples - the element holding the List of examples
  8. Constants - the element holding the List of constants
  9. Variables - the element holding the List of variables
  10. Functions - the element holding the List of functions
  11. Methods - the element holding the List of functions with receiver
  12. Types - not applicable: either nil or empty

Func NewData() *Data

NewData creates a new Data object and return its pointer as output.

This is the recommended function to create new *Data structure type over the conventional &Data{...} method.

Unless you're using App as LibraryMode for development or testing, you do not need to use this function since App will generate the Data objects automatically. This function was meant to facilitate Developers to create mocking data for unit testing.


type DataElement struct {
	Header   string
	Synopsis string
	Receiver string
	Value    string
	Codes    []string
	Examples []*DataElement
	List     []*DataElement

DataElement is the data structure holding specific data values for Data.

The structure contains elements that require initialization. Hence, it is not safe to create using struct{} method.

Depending on its associated relationship with its Data structure, DataElement can be represented in many ways, including towards itself.

For Examples association from Data:

  1. DataElement's Examples holds all the Data's examples in its List, which is called Examples Group.
  2. For each elements in Examples Group‘s List, it is called Example Elements.



For Constants and Variables association from Data:

  1. DataElement's List holds all the Data's constants/variables group in a list of DataElements called Constants/Variables Group.
  2. In each “constant/variable group”, its List has all the constants/variables called Constant/Variable Elements.



For Functions and Methods association from Data:

  1. The Functions/Methods holds all its functions/methods in its List called Functions/Methods Group.
  2. For each elements in Functions/Methods Group, it holds the data for the function/method called Function/Method Elements.