Markdown Template

Godocdown can render the output into markdown template. This way, you can generate markdown files as an output.

NOTE: This is an extension from the General Template. Please read that document before continuing.

Command Parameters

One very important step to enable the use of Markdown template is to:

  1. include the filename with .md extension (strict rule)


$ godocgen --filename ...

Designing Template

Godocgen uses component-driven to render the template like the other formats do. For Markdown, it uses Go's text/template standard package for rendering.

For Markdown Head component, if you're using technologies that requiring head section (e.g. Hugo Markdown), you can use this section to render your Markdown.

General Use

For general use, we suggest you can do something as such:

[comment]: # (WARNING: This markdown is autogenerated by bot.)
[comment]: # (         Do not edit it manually!)

This will warn any other developers that the markdown documentations are generated automatically using godocgen.


For Hugo front-matter, we suggest you can do something as such:

{{- define "Head" -}}
# WARNING: This markdown is autogenerated by bot. Do not edit it manually!
date = "{{- .HugoTimestamp -}}"
title = "{{- .Header -}}"
description = """
{{ .Synopsis }}
keywords = [ "{{- .Header -}}", "go" ]
authors = [ "Godocgen Team" ]
draft = false
type = ""
layout = "single"
# thumbnailURL = "#"

parent = "X) Go Doc"
name = "{{- if .Name -}}{{- .Name -}}{{- else -}}{{- .Header -}}{{- end -}}"
weight = 1
{{ end -}}


For Markdown Title component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "Title" -}}
# {{ .Header }} {{ .Name }}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown ImportPath component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "ImportPath" -}}
import "{{- .Value -}}"
{{ end -}}

For Markdown Header component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "Header" }}
## {{ .Name }}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown Synopsis component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "Synopsis" -}}
{{ .Synopsis }}
{{- end }}


For Markdown DeclGroup component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "DeclGroup" -}}
{{ .Name }} (
{{- end }}


For Markdown DeclElements component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "DeclElements" -}}
{{- if .Header }}
	{{ .Header }}
{{- end }}
	{{ .Value }}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown EndDeclGroup component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "EndDeclGroup" -}}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown Function component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "Function" -}}
### `Func {{ .Value }}`
{{ .Header }}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown Code component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "Code" -}}
{{- range $i, $line := .Codes }}
{{ $line }}
{{- end }}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown NewLine component, you can do something as such:

{{- define "NewLine" }}
{{ end -}}


For Markdown Example component, you can do something as such:

NOTE: ONLY available starting from v0.0.2 onwards.

{{- define "Example" -}}
{{- if and .Header .Name -}}
{{ .Header }} {{ .Name }} Example:
{{ else if and .Header (not .Name) -}}
{{ .Header }} Example:
{{ else if and (not .Header) .Name -}}
First Example:
{{ end -}}

{{- if .Synopsis -}}
{{ .Synopsis }}
{{ end -}}

{{- range $i, $line := .Codes }}
{{ $line }}
{{- end }}

{{- if .Value }}

// Output:
// {{ .Value }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end -}}